How to Transition from Working Remotely to Working in the Office

How to Transition from Working Remotely to Working in the Office

Two woman working together in a office setting

As many businesses begin opening up again, we’re met with a new struggle: returning to the office after working from home for more than a month. You may be thinking, “I just learned to transition into remote working; how am I going to transition back?” The reality is that it will take some time to iron out the details and get back to working like normal – if “normal” can even exist anymore. However, we’re here to help ensure you’re set up for success. 

Tips for transitioning to working from the office: 

Set a new routine and plan for the unexpected.Your commute will no longer be from your bedroom to your home office, and you’ll need to factor in time for getting ready once again. Since it’s been well over a month since the last time this was necessary, plan for this to take more time than it used to take you pre-remote working. 

Prepare for distractions, but minimize them as much as possible. More people in the office, more noise, distractions you’re not used to… if you can minimize them by using noise-cancelling headphones or by shutting your door, do so. 

Keep your distance. It’s going to be tough not to congregate in large groups or shake hands with your coworkers whom you have not seen for weeks, but this is our new reality. For the safety and health of your entire organization, it’s important to continue social distancing, especially in the office. 

Prepare for some virtual aspects to continue. Because we’re still encouraged not to congregate in large groups, it may be wise to continue meeting via video conferencing or phone calls for the time being. Be flexible and prepare for this transition period to be exactly that – a slow transition. 

Take advantage of community. You’re finally back in the office and surrounded by other people besides your family! You’ve likely noticed your need for community during this time of quarantining, so take advantage. Eat lunch with your coworkers (from a safe distance, of course). Brainstorm. Ask questions in person. Talk to them. Get some face-to-face time with people for the first time in weeks and see how it affects your work and your mindset. 

Be flexible. Work may not look like it did before COVID-19. There will be some bumps in the road and some ways that you’ll have to be flexible and ready to help out as needed.

With this new “normal” becoming a reality, make sure you’re managing your people well. If you need any help when it comes to HR or payroll, we’ve got you covered. We’d love to talk about what works best for your company. Just reach out to us here

Posted May 8, 2020
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