Employers: You Are Now Required to Use the New Form I-9

Employers: You Are Now Required to Use the New Form I-9

Employers: You Are Now Required to Use the New Form I-9

Employers must now use the new version of Form I-9, “Employment Eligibility Verification.” 

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued the new version on November 14, 2016. Employers had until January 22, 2017, to begin using the new version of Form I-9. Through January 21, 2017, employers could still use the version of Form I-9 dated March 8, 2013. 

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Form I-9 requirements were established in November of 1986 when Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act.
The instructions have been separated from the November 14, 2016 form, in line with other USCIS forms, and include specific instructions for completing each field. Other changes to the form include:

The addition of prompts to ensure information is entered correctly:

 The ability to enter multiple preparers and translators,

A dedicated area for including additional information rather than having to add it in the margins, 

And a supplemental page for the preparer/translator.

USCIS says that the new version of Form I-9 is easier to complete on a computer. Enhancements include drop-down lists and calendars for filling in dates, on-screen instructions for each field, easy access to the full instructions, and an option to clear the form and start over. When the employer prints the completed form, a quick response (QR) code is automatically generated, which can be read by most QR readers.

The expiration date for the new version of Form I-9 is August 31, 2019. For questions regarding I-9, payroll, taxes, compliance or human resource services, contact CertiPay https://www.certipay.com/contact

Posted Mar 1, 2017
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